28 April, 2019


A great void persists,
in the chasms of his soul
A vacuum, suffocating him
draining his energies and strength
His mind wanders in space, without anchor
as time passes by, he starts to lose hope

He seeks out memories that once were
of joy and love and peace and life
He remembers that happiness
can be found even in the darkest of times
If only one just remembers
to turn on the lights

Exhausted, he wonders if he wants to fight
he considers if he wants to pick himself up
The true test of strength is not how hard man falls
But if he wills himself to stand up again
Eyes heavy, he wishes to drift off
and let another future face his reality

He takes crutches of distractions, feigning sanity
shallow love, stories, food, power, and fantasy
For he won’t be judged for confirming to norms absurd
He shal’t be though, if they knew he needs a hug
And dark clouds gather, to no relief
but offer no rains, to drench his soul deep

He fears not death, but welcomes it
Perhaps that is his fallacy, making him weak
How does one fight longer than possible without
that most powerful impulse of the spirit
And he looks up, to make the climb
only this time, without an anchor to keep him from dying

Men have no hell, save one they make for themselves
and no torture is more severe, than that born in his own soul
For as long as life breathes on, man must live with hope
learning like shipwrecked men turning to sea from insatiable thirst
There is no true despair, without hope
for hope is the only thing, that poisons men’s souls

He understands the people, for their petty souls
true that Brutus too was an honourable man
for men was as good as the world allows them to be
and morals are cast out like a bad joke
What stops a dog from eating another, when hunger strikes?
What stops man from eating his brother, when need arrives?

A great void persists,
in the chasms of his soul
but how difficult may it be
to have a lump out of your throat
beautiful smiles, such simple things
yet so far, why would they seem

Vishal Gupta
14th June 2018