27 July, 2018

Roller Coasters

Dedicated to my dear friends, Nidhi Dwivedi and Megha Sinha. Hope you live through roller coasters of your own.

Roller Coasters

Oh! I’m actually quite afraid of roller coasters you see
It just so happened that the first time I chanced upon one
I was with someone in a rather unpleasant mood
It was much of a coincidence you see
Me, taking a stroll to calm the nerves of someone I love
and chancing upon a roller coaster
Upon which I thought to myself
What better way to deal with a heartbreak,
than a bloodrush?
Quite mad if you think about it,
but I knew the trick would work
There was only one little problem
I’m actually quite afraid of roller coasters you see

But once we sat upon, I realized I was afraid and she thrilled
Thought my nervousness could not afforded to be seen
So I looked straight and felt my breath
and to my utter astonishment, I was still breathing
Then another breath came, and another and then another
Breath after breath I went on,
I was still afraid, but I need not focus on that
All I had to do was keep on breathing
And I knew everything would come back alright

Since then I have come upon many a roller coasters
Ups and downs and twists and turns and upside down
All I have ever had to do, was continue breathing
In my experience, if you breathe for long enough
Problems usually replace themselves with newer ones
However, the best way to be rid of your problems
is actually to stop breathing once and for all
I haven’t tried that myself, yet
For now, I keep breathing
It’s not courage or wisdom but merely force of habit
For truly, I’m actually quite afraid of roller coasters you see

Vishal Gupta
8 Jan 2018

13 July, 2018

Dark Rainbow

Her rainbow stands in front of her
but dark clouds have blurred her vision
it doesn’t help him to make his mark
for of course her rainbow too is dark

All her life, she lived in the dark
carefully protecting, the light in her heart
Demons grew within her, haunting her soul
and he offered her hell, for her demons to make home

She craves to be held, the one who shall stay
and the one who can see, and tell her it’s okay
But he comes not to hold, but to get her to race
he wants not to pull her through, but push her ahead

A weight falls on her chest, and she cannot catch a breath
time moves on, but she stays at one place
He defies time and surrounds her whole
he cares not for past or present, and makes the moment her home

He offers not light, but darkness that engulfs
not her knight in shining armor, but one that she deserves
dark rainbows melt dark clouds away
then she’ll see, the light living within her all along the way

Vishal Gupta
25th June 2018

01 July, 2018

Lost Love

Once, there was something that you had loved
No, not the love that you had once embraced and then left as easy
Love, that had embraced you in its close clutches
Reached out to your heart, through your flesh
grabbed the pounding organ in its claws and felt it beating
Held it for eon whilst it became a part of you
And then finally after eternity had passed on,
it left you, to be on your way as if nothing had ever happened

But something happened, something that changed you forever
You never realized it, it happened slow
You thought you’d healed
You thought you moved on
But you didn’t, it took something when it went away
A very small bit, a tiny piece of your heart
creating a vacuum in your soul forever
You scrounge to fill it with something else, anything
A race, a lie, a goal, a search
But never are you ever able to fill your soul again
Slowly, the hole takes life of its own, and filling itself up
And it fills up with every experience of the love you’ve now lost
Every experience that had been bestowed upon you

You may believe that you left a bit of yourself behind
But in truth, you carried the entire experience with you
And now, you can never be separated from your past

Vishal Gupta
2 March 2018