25 November, 2022

Bookmarks 2

Continued from Bookmarks

‘I’m sorry,’ he hears himself say, years later

It’s okay,’ he hears, ‘you don’t need to

‘I know. But you deserve to hear one

And I need to say one, so might as well…’


I suppose in the end, the whole of life

becomes an act of letting go

But what hurts the most

is not taking a moment to say goodbye


Would I like to go back to her?

I guess that’s not possible anymore

She is a different person now

the girl I left behind, doesn’t exist anymore


And I think to myself

How is that different from finding

someone else’s bookmark

from someone else’s book?


Someone, who craves that hug as much

albeit, not because I am her missing piece

But missing pieces nonetheless she has

broken off from another story, not unlike mine


We might not fit perfectly together like a puzzle

or maybe we will

or maybe we will collide into each other like continents

giving rise to mountains


I have lost my bookmark

and found someone one’s

years later, when all is forgotten

does it make a difference what I find?


Vishal Gupta

July 15th, 2022