05 April, 2019


Humor the thought
What if you could bookmark relationships?
Think about it
You have a friend, a loved one, a family member, a pet,
or anyone you love or care for or hate or feel any thing
What if it was possible, to bookmark a relationship
To go back to whenever you wanted to
Right where you left off

Or maybe you'd just bookmark the good memories.
And choose to ignore the bad ones
The ones that you don't want to remember
And just go back to again and again
Would that be wonderful?


What if you could place a bookmark in a relationship
You'd promise yourself that you'd return "soon"
When you have more time or more money or more clarity or more stability
Or when your parents are happy or when you are independent
or just next year or the year after that or after graduation
You'd make promises to yourself
And bookmark them
But you know that you wouldn't return
Life would get the better of you
And the bookmark would be lost in the sands of time
Then suddenly one day, cleaning old cobwebs of your life
You discover it again
Dusty. Rusted.
You're not ready for this right now
The bookmark is still there
It's somewhat familiar
You made a promise to yourself
You know you're not going to keep it

Hush! no one needs to know
But you take a small whiff
It smells familiar
Smells older
It's slightly torn
You don't mind
Are you prepared to pick it up again?
Continue where you left off?
Or do you leave it behind
because it’s not yours anymore?

Vishal Gupta
2 Apr 2019