It was another evening at Tongji while I was taking
a stroll near the campus boundary thinking about the cute German girl with the
smart haircut; when I felt butterflies in my stomach. Being in China, I feel
the need to clarify that I didn’t really eat butterflies for lunch, it just
means I felt hungry. Thankfully, finding food isn’t a big challenge in
Shanghai. It’s finding food which doesn’t freak me out that becomes a
challenge. But hunger teaches us things which we don’t know about ourselves.
I’d already started eating eggs, vegetable soup in meat broth, and I don’t mind
if a sausage happened to touch my food. Yet there were things which I couldn’t
get used to.
For example, there are many roadside barbeque
stations in Shanghai. I often go there for bread, corn, mushrooms and tofu. But
they also keep all sorts of meat, like chicken, lamb, fishes, and things I
don’t want to know about. I’ve been going there for 2 months now but there’s
something unnerving about the fish which I still haven’t been able to get used
to. It’s a long thin fish with a skewer going into its mouth and coming out of
its tail. The fish is fresh and uncooked yet. The guy puts the dead fresh fish
on the grill and it roasts right there infront of my eyes. I see the open eye
disappearing into black ash and slowly the fish transforms into grilled meat,
right there infront of me. If I hadn’t seen worse, then this would’ve been the
most grouse image I’d have ever seen. But in all fairness, to the Chinese that
thing is still food. I might find it eerie, but to the Chinese, it’s a part of
their culture and evening snack. I just have to get used to the fact that to
the Chinese, the taste of the food matters, not the beauty of it.
And I would’ve given them credit for it. After all,
what’s a roasted fish in a world of shell-less snails, snake juice and octopus
balls (balls made of octopus meat; not octopus
balls). But
then, one day I found a curious thing which I couldn’t figure out. It seemed
like half an octopus at first, with 4 arms. But on closer observation (and
confirmation from a Chinese friend) we figured that it was chicken feet. The
things which seemed to be octopus arms were infact 3 claws and the leg. What’s
worse, I could see the nails still attached to the feet. Later I saw some Chinese
sucking on the claws. I didn’t stop to see if they actually ate the feet or
just sucked on them, but I know that was not an image I wished to see.
And I would’ve still made my peace with it, had I
not seen the next level of creepiness in Chinese food the next day. I went
inside an eatery to try to order vegetarian fried rice. There was some sort of
meat kept at the corner table which I didn’t pay attention to at first.
Somehow, a friend gathered courage to look at it and told me those were
duck-heads. Two instincts hit me together. One, to scream and run. Another, to
have a look. Unable to resist the curious me, whom I curse now, I had a look.
There it was - skinless, roasted, brown, duck heads, with the beaks still
intact. It was just heads cut off from ducks and roasted, ready to eat. A
Chinese friend later told me, to my horror, that they are delicious. I still
haven’t found the courage to confirm it for myself. Everytime I imagine the
brain still inside that head, somehow my hunger dies. Somehow the image of
being sucking on the duck’s beak doesn’t seem to help.
I heard other stories such as boiling live crabs to
death. The restaurant owners had a tough time explaining to me that when I say
I don’t eat animals, I confirm that I eat fishes and poultry as they are not
“animals”. I went through a phase of trying to explain to them that I don’t eat
anything which does not grow in or on the soil. I don’t eat anything which
moves or has moved on its own. Finally, I found the keyword – meat. I simply needed to say that I
don’t eat meat. Thankfully, there’s not a culture of eating worms in Shanghai,
else that would have been a different challenge, because worms don’t have meat.