28 April, 2009
The sky
I have been here since eternity
and shall continue to be here till infinity
I am the first to be born and the last to die
for behold man, I am the eternal sky.
I saw civilizations come and go
and witnessed all that has occurred
Still, I carry the same wisdom,
from those who’ve left, for those to come.
I carry the heavens you look up to
in times of despair and discontent
it doesn’t matter, if you worship me or not
I shall still impart, what has to be taught.
For seekers, I carry all answers
for pessimists, I am dark everyday
for believers, I carry the golden rays of hope
for admirers, I carry the beauty of the globe.
I teach to be calm whenever you can
but fierce thunder in war
I advice to make new beginnings each day
and take time once in a while, to go out and play.
I get angry sometimes and growl
I get happy somedays and beam
In hard days, even I shed tears
As all feelings, each creature bears.
I teach everything there is to learn
I am for everyone, big or small
Some say I do, what only partial can
as I gave great wings to birds, but only minds to man.
I protect you from the unknown
I shower my blessings, in your times of need
I ask for nothing and give you all
I pull you up every time you fall.
You look up to me in hope
You like to come close
You want to conquer and win me over
But we are fail in eternity, you fail to decipher.
To win me, you need to win yourself
To know me, you just have to know yourself
For us to be one, this you have to accomplish
then, you can touch me and see what sky really is.
and shall continue to be here till infinity
I am the first to be born and the last to die
for behold man, I am the eternal sky.
I saw civilizations come and go
and witnessed all that has occurred
Still, I carry the same wisdom,
from those who’ve left, for those to come.
I carry the heavens you look up to
in times of despair and discontent
it doesn’t matter, if you worship me or not
I shall still impart, what has to be taught.
For seekers, I carry all answers
for pessimists, I am dark everyday
for believers, I carry the golden rays of hope
for admirers, I carry the beauty of the globe.
I teach to be calm whenever you can
but fierce thunder in war
I advice to make new beginnings each day
and take time once in a while, to go out and play.
I get angry sometimes and growl
I get happy somedays and beam
In hard days, even I shed tears
As all feelings, each creature bears.
I teach everything there is to learn
I am for everyone, big or small
Some say I do, what only partial can
as I gave great wings to birds, but only minds to man.
I protect you from the unknown
I shower my blessings, in your times of need
I ask for nothing and give you all
I pull you up every time you fall.
You look up to me in hope
You like to come close
You want to conquer and win me over
But we are fail in eternity, you fail to decipher.
To win me, you need to win yourself
To know me, you just have to know yourself
For us to be one, this you have to accomplish
then, you can touch me and see what sky really is.
-Vishal Gupta
25th January 2009
25th January 2009
The setting sun
The setting sun
Looking, at the setting sun
brings the end
to another day
Soon, darkness will conquer
my world only
to bring another day
and this cycle of day and dark
gives a call
that someone’s dusk
is another man’s dawn
that nothing is permanent
except for change itself
that no matter how dark it gets
there always will be
golden rays of hope tomorrow
that life does give another chance to those
who want to rectify their past
that the changing colors of the sky
change like phases in life
sometimes anger and red
sometimes calm and blue
sometimes peace and white
sometimes, the dark night
sometimes, cloudy gloom
and sometimes, complete.
Looking, at the setting sun
brings the end
to another day
Soon, darkness will conquer
my world only
to bring another day
and this cycle of day and dark
gives a call
that someone’s dusk
is another man’s dawn
that nothing is permanent
except for change itself
that no matter how dark it gets
there always will be
golden rays of hope tomorrow
that life does give another chance to those
who want to rectify their past
that the changing colors of the sky
change like phases in life
sometimes anger and red
sometimes calm and blue
sometimes peace and white
sometimes, the dark night
sometimes, cloudy gloom
and sometimes, complete.
-Vishal Gupta
The golden days
I don't know when I got into prose but it's true I tell you.
The golden days
Some time ago in history, there was a country. With the most diverse land on the face of the earth and tremendous versatility in cultures, the great nation held pride. People then were happy and merry. They celebrated all festivals with equal zest and loved each other more than they loved themselves. The king took care of his subjects like a father. The land grew great amounts of food, the cattle could flow rivers of milk, the sky showered love, the water was pure, and everything was as perfect as a child’s dream.
But good days stay only to be followed by the dark ones. Strangers from a faraway land once came to the great state for evolving a beautiful relationship which would be of mutual interest. The nation, open to new relations welcomed the guests heartily not only in the land, but also in the hearts of the people. But the strangers meant something else. Slowly and schemingly they took over the land and what once were kings, were reduced to puppets. A few paranoids got control of the state once called the ‘golden bird’ by the world. The bird was now featherless but it didn’t retaliate as it thought first of the people whom it had respected and then of itself. The bastards took advantage of the silence and raped the bird till it could stand no more. For once the soldiers of the nation awakened and fought like never before. Bravehearts equipped with courage, patriotism used the weapons of love, non-violence and satyagraha to fight for their mother. But as nature would have it, they had to pay the price of a late revolt. The bird was saved but wingless. It could not fly again. It fell on the earth with only the hope to touch the sky again. It was shattered, destroyed, finished. The great legend was… over. The culprits went back to their motherland but left their deeds here. Violence, racial discrimination, hunger for power, poverty, discontent became the synonyms of the new land. Now government nothing but a race for power and who could say more. Unhappiness was accepted as a natural part of people’s lives. The golden bird was now, dead.
But today, the times have changes since then. A resurrection is in the making. Another bird has taken flight, partly golden. It stores in itself the wise principles of the ancient land and flies at a place to meet the modern demand. It has challenges to overcome and problems to demolish. Today people don’t discuss the problems they have. Anyone who doesn’t think like them ‘just doesn’t understand’ and anyone who thinks differently altogether ‘is definitely mad.’ No one has time to sit down and think as they don’t have time to get their cars fueled as they’re too busy driving it. A time has come when no one talks to no one. The land of ‘we’ is overcome by the motto of ‘me.’ The government pays no heed to the wants of the people. Hypocrisy has overtaken democracy. People have forgotten to be what they are and become ‘what people want them to be.’ They talk of fighting terrorism but do not demolish the terror of LKK (log kya kahenge?) which resides in them. Once proud of its diverse culture, religious and caste differences are what seem ‘natural’ today. People say ‘what can a single person do by changing himself? What can I do alone? What can anyone do alone? It’s not my fault as I was quiet.’ They don’t realize that keeping quiet was what caused this disaster. It is not a crime. It is a sin. Now it’s the time to stand up and speak. Now is the time to fight the inner demon. Now is the time to do it again. Now is the time for resurrection. I am a soldier of the pen. I do my work and shall continue doing it. I hope you shall find yours and do yours too. May you kill the inner monster soon.
But good days stay only to be followed by the dark ones. Strangers from a faraway land once came to the great state for evolving a beautiful relationship which would be of mutual interest. The nation, open to new relations welcomed the guests heartily not only in the land, but also in the hearts of the people. But the strangers meant something else. Slowly and schemingly they took over the land and what once were kings, were reduced to puppets. A few paranoids got control of the state once called the ‘golden bird’ by the world. The bird was now featherless but it didn’t retaliate as it thought first of the people whom it had respected and then of itself. The bastards took advantage of the silence and raped the bird till it could stand no more. For once the soldiers of the nation awakened and fought like never before. Bravehearts equipped with courage, patriotism used the weapons of love, non-violence and satyagraha to fight for their mother. But as nature would have it, they had to pay the price of a late revolt. The bird was saved but wingless. It could not fly again. It fell on the earth with only the hope to touch the sky again. It was shattered, destroyed, finished. The great legend was… over. The culprits went back to their motherland but left their deeds here. Violence, racial discrimination, hunger for power, poverty, discontent became the synonyms of the new land. Now government nothing but a race for power and who could say more. Unhappiness was accepted as a natural part of people’s lives. The golden bird was now, dead.
But today, the times have changes since then. A resurrection is in the making. Another bird has taken flight, partly golden. It stores in itself the wise principles of the ancient land and flies at a place to meet the modern demand. It has challenges to overcome and problems to demolish. Today people don’t discuss the problems they have. Anyone who doesn’t think like them ‘just doesn’t understand’ and anyone who thinks differently altogether ‘is definitely mad.’ No one has time to sit down and think as they don’t have time to get their cars fueled as they’re too busy driving it. A time has come when no one talks to no one. The land of ‘we’ is overcome by the motto of ‘me.’ The government pays no heed to the wants of the people. Hypocrisy has overtaken democracy. People have forgotten to be what they are and become ‘what people want them to be.’ They talk of fighting terrorism but do not demolish the terror of LKK (log kya kahenge?) which resides in them. Once proud of its diverse culture, religious and caste differences are what seem ‘natural’ today. People say ‘what can a single person do by changing himself? What can I do alone? What can anyone do alone? It’s not my fault as I was quiet.’ They don’t realize that keeping quiet was what caused this disaster. It is not a crime. It is a sin. Now it’s the time to stand up and speak. Now is the time to fight the inner demon. Now is the time to do it again. Now is the time for resurrection. I am a soldier of the pen. I do my work and shall continue doing it. I hope you shall find yours and do yours too. May you kill the inner monster soon.
-Vishal Gupta
21st Feb. 2009
21st Feb. 2009
The journey begins
This poem was written ‘during’ my introduction class at Bansal classes, Kota and was christened 21 months later in Kota itself!
The journey begins
Tis the beginning of a new struggle
With a lot left behind
Reclamation of the glory is the sole objective
And a new destiny I shall write
Stepping into the new future
I will earn it all
The beginning’s here, the end’s near
Always rise never must I fall
And if it happens, “if” at all
There are no failures, only lessons I know
And with this thought in my soul
All friction I shall blow
The one within shall be controlled
Even if I have to be harsh on myself
I should, I can and I will
‘cause I know I can.
The journey begins
Tis the beginning of a new struggle
With a lot left behind
Reclamation of the glory is the sole objective
And a new destiny I shall write
Stepping into the new future
I will earn it all
The beginning’s here, the end’s near
Always rise never must I fall
And if it happens, “if” at all
There are no failures, only lessons I know
And with this thought in my soul
All friction I shall blow
The one within shall be controlled
Even if I have to be harsh on myself
I should, I can and I will
‘cause I know I can.
-Vishal Gupta
April 2007
April 2007
The end of the road
My last moments in kota
The end of the road
As I hear the clock tick by
and count the number of days to go
I’m mesmerized by the fact
that I’ve finally reached, the end of the road.
It seems like a miracle,
that this mystical fable has reached a halt
for it seemed to flow since eternity
and destined to go till infinity, and beyond.
Still I knew, that it would end
‘cause that was the purpose of the beginning
but neither start nor end can match the glories
of the path, I walked in.
I didn’t have the vaguest idea
what future had in store for me
and am now astonished by the past
which I can behind me see.
It wasn’t an easy road, it wasn’t meant to be
for it stored the largest boulders, one may ever see
It was covered by the darkest clouds, there ever have been
and housed the meanest animals, I’d ever seen.
But it also held the powers to overcome the odds
and the powers were for us to take
Slowly and steadily the path worked
to something evolved out of us make.
It tested me both head and heart
and rewarded me when I won
For failure, it punished ruthlessly
and now says bye when all’s done.
But as I look back, to the days gone by
I feel the change, in me and my world
I see I grew, walking the path
I notice the change in my vision and thought.
But now, as the final test closes in
I suddenly feel shallow
as if vacuum has seized me from within
and is ready now to swallow.
It is an unexperienced phase
something which the path, forgot to warn me against
it is the final struggle
beyond which lies, a new world.
But for that I must fight the last battle
and win that to win the war
The reward this time, is the biggest yet
and the price of failure, is loss.
Not loss of strength not loss of spirit
But loss in the purest sense
This loss means no eternal loss
Its just unquestionable, unspeakable, unthinkable loss.
But the fear of loss, terrorizes no brave of this path
and we, shall go on to fight
a fight to win a fight to achieve
a fight for the respect of this path.
The final test, shall not bring m down
and I shall emerge victorious I know
but for that I need to be brave
and overcome the final odds I face.
So I must take thy leave now
and resume in my struggle
for I’m responsible to keep the road alive
for successors of mine who shall come
and reap destinies from this soil
the time has come, the final time
when the clock ticks by
and I count the number of days to go
and am mesmerized by the fact
that I’ve finally reached,
the end of the road.
The end of the road
As I hear the clock tick by
and count the number of days to go
I’m mesmerized by the fact
that I’ve finally reached, the end of the road.
It seems like a miracle,
that this mystical fable has reached a halt
for it seemed to flow since eternity
and destined to go till infinity, and beyond.
Still I knew, that it would end
‘cause that was the purpose of the beginning
but neither start nor end can match the glories
of the path, I walked in.
I didn’t have the vaguest idea
what future had in store for me
and am now astonished by the past
which I can behind me see.
It wasn’t an easy road, it wasn’t meant to be
for it stored the largest boulders, one may ever see
It was covered by the darkest clouds, there ever have been
and housed the meanest animals, I’d ever seen.
But it also held the powers to overcome the odds
and the powers were for us to take
Slowly and steadily the path worked
to something evolved out of us make.
It tested me both head and heart
and rewarded me when I won
For failure, it punished ruthlessly
and now says bye when all’s done.
But as I look back, to the days gone by
I feel the change, in me and my world
I see I grew, walking the path
I notice the change in my vision and thought.
But now, as the final test closes in
I suddenly feel shallow
as if vacuum has seized me from within
and is ready now to swallow.
It is an unexperienced phase
something which the path, forgot to warn me against
it is the final struggle
beyond which lies, a new world.
But for that I must fight the last battle
and win that to win the war
The reward this time, is the biggest yet
and the price of failure, is loss.
Not loss of strength not loss of spirit
But loss in the purest sense
This loss means no eternal loss
Its just unquestionable, unspeakable, unthinkable loss.
But the fear of loss, terrorizes no brave of this path
and we, shall go on to fight
a fight to win a fight to achieve
a fight for the respect of this path.
The final test, shall not bring m down
and I shall emerge victorious I know
but for that I need to be brave
and overcome the final odds I face.
So I must take thy leave now
and resume in my struggle
for I’m responsible to keep the road alive
for successors of mine who shall come
and reap destinies from this soil
the time has come, the final time
when the clock ticks by
and I count the number of days to go
and am mesmerized by the fact
that I’ve finally reached,
the end of the road.
-Vishal Gupta
( I )
One day, I felt lonely
lonely in this crowded world.
For crowd didn’t interact
it walked and kicked and spat
my eyes, near moist
my hands shaking
my heart trembling with fear
I realized the end was near.
But just then, the wind brought a message
and I felt cold on my cheeks
my heartbeat I could hear
but I knew, my message was clear,
I closed my eyes and saw a sight
my friend and me, laughing after a fight
I felt him near me, waving goodbye
wishing me a happy journey, he cried
For no distance could be a barrier
when friendships travel and love is the carrier
I felt him again, one last time
and then I heard, the eternal chime.
( II )
We were silent, for hours now
Still I felt, I dunno how
that I had made a good conversation
for voice isn’t the only way
by which friends interact
we looked at each other and remembered
the good ‘ol days when we played
together we played all sorts of games
we thought together and lived one life
we prayed together and all was fine
But today destiny has took a turn
we have to separate, become two from one
We may never meet, again in our lives
but memories remain and never die.
( III )
I did not know, what was wrong
why had the world turned its back on me
I could not deny what I believe
I could not be what I was not
my heart said to me ‘you are right’
still why had the world crossed over me.
It was then I realized
God’s gift to me
when my friend, supported me
He did not care, about what the world said
He did not believe, that I was justified
He took on the world for me
He fought for me and lived for me
He made me laugh and prayed for me
He made me believe the ancient saying
that a friend in need, is God’s greatest deed.
( IV )
Friendship is something I cannot define
it is just something beautiful and fine
without it life for me is unimaginable
the friend gives me strength to be able
to share my deepest secrets, and feel light ‘bout life
he doesn’t expect anything from me
and silently gives me, all happiness I need.
He even scolds me when I am wrong
He stands by me when the sun sets upon
He even finds joy in my victory
‘friend’ is god’s smartest six letter word
which remains, even today in my heart.
( V )
My friend, I have spoken enough,
but let me tell you one more thing I haven’t said yet
that you are, a part of my life
and without you, my life is hollow
hollow as the tree is
when autumn takes away its leaves
hollow as the sun is
when clouds cover it
hollow as the body is
when the soul is missing from it
and I end my ode, with one last claim
‘Love you forever, my dear friend.’
-Vishal Gupta
This is my favorite yet
Sometimes in life, we loose control
sometimes in life, we are alone
sometimes in life, our heart cries
sometimes in life, we’re fooled by lies
sometimes in life, we forget it all
sometimes in life, its our own fault
but life’s not a moment,
not a game, not a fair not a lament
it is a gift, by the almighty of them all
it is a cry, all humans call
it is a road, we all go by
it is a question, which asks, ‘Why?’
But in this long journey of ours
we forget what we walk for
and go through the same woods
we read the same books
We walk the same old path
We think the same old way
As laid by our forefathers
who were correct in their day.
But today the times have changed
Today we need a new path
A new road a new life
a new adventure a new strive
Great history is a proof
that greatness is unique
it is change it is transition it is new
it is a path, chosen by a few.
So now the time has come
when mind and heart thinks as one
when religion meets spirituality
when philosophy meets science
when time meets management.
In this small life of ours
we have a lot to achieve
we can we should we must
or things will be as it is.
We have to stop discrimination
on petty things like race
or wisdom and experience
on lucky things like age
We have to change
our minds first of all
We must know in life
what we really want
and then act upon those changes
‘cause humanity depends upon it
this only can bring
greatness and happiness from within.
We have to accept new truths
leaving old beliefs behind
instead of clinging on to them
because we ‘think’ divine.
Because they were told to us
by our fathers
and in return to them
it was told by their fathers
Who had not thought once
Who had not asked a ‘Why?’
For what reason I do not understand
For how could one
accept with sincere certainty
that they are listening to truth
or an old story too old for these times.
I do not understand,
how could one,
give his life to an unknown
by talking to him for a heartbeat
or rather talking to him
plus two spoons of hypocrisy
We explain this treason by a simple reason
that our forefathers had not even spoken to their soulmates
before ‘the night’
and so, we have corrected their mistakes
but what they did was not a mistake
but neither may it get pardon
For it instilled the ‘culture’ to the new generation
Which passed in hands in tides of times
Which still exists, and is still blind.
I fail to get,
why our people died for independence
when ‘democratic’ India is no better
they say we get to choose the one
who gets to rule us
and we happily elect our own ruler
and subdue to his autocracy
We happily refrain ourselves
from achieving real democracy
We happily let some weirdoes
to come and fuck us
and then we proudly say
that we’re the people of the largest screwed democracy.
I doubt if there
is any fault in our wheat
that on eating even these
our best minds resort to beef
They go abroad I dunno why
when we could have them, stand by,
in times of needs
but personal greed has overcome it all
which really makes me feel small
because I know that the purpose of life
was once for to die
for the honor of our soil
And I know, that if dreams and aims
are satisfied at home
The wish to take off the soil will be gone
But if the best are not satisfied in their own country
What to say of those who lead a normal life?
Neither can they break through their jeopardy
Nor can they ever be happy.
I don’t really understand why
we fear to tell our beloved
that their simple smile is heaven on earth
that their eyes are paradise
That the only dream of this heart
Is to hold their hand and look
at their bright face
that their beauty,
is unmatched on god’s green earth
that their happiness
is the only thing that has worth
An unknown fear holds us back
An unseen devil gets ready to attack.
And one day in silence, we forget them
Like in the same silence, we loved them
And silence is all that remains
Silence stays silence passes silence endures.
I know how, the small comes out of its shell
but I do not know how, children can hate their own parents
Parents who bought them up, who taught them what life is
Who calmed us when we were angry
who made us understand when we were unwise
Who themselves marred their hunger
to ensure their children live well
who work till the end of their lives
to ensure their children lead on well
who gave up their own ambitions
because they had children to provide for
But the children hate them
because they did something right, which their children did not like
because sometimes, in the midst of their care
they lost control and did a bit unfair
because they slapped their child
when he did wrong
Because they wanted a child of character
That hope now long gone.
I have seen, that likes also attract
but I fail to comprehend the hatred which endures in human
I do not understand why
a person can hate another whom he has seen
and still love god, whom he is yet to see
I keep asking myself why
is man rude to another
why doesn’t he respect, the truths and beliefs
which are new to him
something clicks in the depths of my mind
and answers
man fears transition, this is the ancient law of stagnance
man fears the unknown, the mystified the dark
man is prone, to anything beyond him
and he vaguely tries to avoid it
thinking, that truth can be deceived
but one day, truth comes
and slaps him in shape
and man fears truth more
more even than the unknown.
That is why man, fears that science and religion
are one, he fears this more than death itself
because it hybridizes his old beliefs and new ones
it brings change in his thought process
which violates our ancient law
man fears transition.
Sometimes, life deceives us
Sometimes, we fail
Sometimes, we loose control
Sometimes, we are alone
Sometimes, we’re fooled by lies
Sometimes… we need change
This, is the last hope we have
before humanity vanishes of the face of the earth
lets leave behind
a legend
a story
an adventure
a life!
- Vishal Gupta
2nd July 2008
Sometimes in life, we loose control
sometimes in life, we are alone
sometimes in life, our heart cries
sometimes in life, we’re fooled by lies
sometimes in life, we forget it all
sometimes in life, its our own fault
but life’s not a moment,
not a game, not a fair not a lament
it is a gift, by the almighty of them all
it is a cry, all humans call
it is a road, we all go by
it is a question, which asks, ‘Why?’
But in this long journey of ours
we forget what we walk for
and go through the same woods
we read the same books
We walk the same old path
We think the same old way
As laid by our forefathers
who were correct in their day.
But today the times have changed
Today we need a new path
A new road a new life
a new adventure a new strive
Great history is a proof
that greatness is unique
it is change it is transition it is new
it is a path, chosen by a few.
So now the time has come
when mind and heart thinks as one
when religion meets spirituality
when philosophy meets science
when time meets management.
In this small life of ours
we have a lot to achieve
we can we should we must
or things will be as it is.
We have to stop discrimination
on petty things like race
or wisdom and experience
on lucky things like age
We have to change
our minds first of all
We must know in life
what we really want
and then act upon those changes
‘cause humanity depends upon it
this only can bring
greatness and happiness from within.
We have to accept new truths
leaving old beliefs behind
instead of clinging on to them
because we ‘think’ divine.
Because they were told to us
by our fathers
and in return to them
it was told by their fathers
Who had not thought once
Who had not asked a ‘Why?’
For what reason I do not understand
For how could one
accept with sincere certainty
that they are listening to truth
or an old story too old for these times.
I do not understand,
how could one,
give his life to an unknown
by talking to him for a heartbeat
or rather talking to him
plus two spoons of hypocrisy
We explain this treason by a simple reason
that our forefathers had not even spoken to their soulmates
before ‘the night’
and so, we have corrected their mistakes
but what they did was not a mistake
but neither may it get pardon
For it instilled the ‘culture’ to the new generation
Which passed in hands in tides of times
Which still exists, and is still blind.
I fail to get,
why our people died for independence
when ‘democratic’ India is no better
they say we get to choose the one
who gets to rule us
and we happily elect our own ruler
and subdue to his autocracy
We happily refrain ourselves
from achieving real democracy
We happily let some weirdoes
to come and fuck us
and then we proudly say
that we’re the people of the largest screwed democracy.
I doubt if there
is any fault in our wheat
that on eating even these
our best minds resort to beef
They go abroad I dunno why
when we could have them, stand by,
in times of needs
but personal greed has overcome it all
which really makes me feel small
because I know that the purpose of life
was once for to die
for the honor of our soil
And I know, that if dreams and aims
are satisfied at home
The wish to take off the soil will be gone
But if the best are not satisfied in their own country
What to say of those who lead a normal life?
Neither can they break through their jeopardy
Nor can they ever be happy.
I don’t really understand why
we fear to tell our beloved
that their simple smile is heaven on earth
that their eyes are paradise
That the only dream of this heart
Is to hold their hand and look
at their bright face
that their beauty,
is unmatched on god’s green earth
that their happiness
is the only thing that has worth
An unknown fear holds us back
An unseen devil gets ready to attack.
And one day in silence, we forget them
Like in the same silence, we loved them
And silence is all that remains
Silence stays silence passes silence endures.
I know how, the small comes out of its shell
but I do not know how, children can hate their own parents
Parents who bought them up, who taught them what life is
Who calmed us when we were angry
who made us understand when we were unwise
Who themselves marred their hunger
to ensure their children live well
who work till the end of their lives
to ensure their children lead on well
who gave up their own ambitions
because they had children to provide for
But the children hate them
because they did something right, which their children did not like
because sometimes, in the midst of their care
they lost control and did a bit unfair
because they slapped their child
when he did wrong
Because they wanted a child of character
That hope now long gone.
I have seen, that likes also attract
but I fail to comprehend the hatred which endures in human
I do not understand why
a person can hate another whom he has seen
and still love god, whom he is yet to see
I keep asking myself why
is man rude to another
why doesn’t he respect, the truths and beliefs
which are new to him
something clicks in the depths of my mind
and answers
man fears transition, this is the ancient law of stagnance
man fears the unknown, the mystified the dark
man is prone, to anything beyond him
and he vaguely tries to avoid it
thinking, that truth can be deceived
but one day, truth comes
and slaps him in shape
and man fears truth more
more even than the unknown.
That is why man, fears that science and religion
are one, he fears this more than death itself
because it hybridizes his old beliefs and new ones
it brings change in his thought process
which violates our ancient law
man fears transition.
Sometimes, life deceives us
Sometimes, we fail
Sometimes, we loose control
Sometimes, we are alone
Sometimes, we’re fooled by lies
Sometimes… we need change
This, is the last hope we have
before humanity vanishes of the face of the earth
lets leave behind
a legend
a story
an adventure
a life!
- Vishal Gupta
2nd July 2008
One day, a distant memory
began in my life, yet another story
it began with three letters
which eventually became a mission
Soon, it became a vision, and I,
a visionary,
walking along a dreaded path
unknown, unraveled, unsearched
I was the first to walk on it
a path, which changed a life
or many lives, I should say
a path in life, I shall never forget.
It began, it began some time ago
it began and I began to grow
for my first hurdle soon faced me
when I was left alone,
alone in the crowd of unknown friends
How quick I learned to live it, I wonder!
and remember, of the distant place I call home
And it doesn’t seem distant to me, I carry it with me
in my heart, and I am not alone
still sometimes, memories cry
I then ask myself why?
Why am I, away from people I love?
“Because it will get you, what you deserve”
comes a beautiful reply
It reminds me of a destiny, that is mine
Waiting for me, to take it away
I will, I promise, one day
Here also I saw,
what I call, ‘the real world’
each man uncaring rough and selfish
with no dreams and scanty wishes
I see the fear in their hearts
I see the light in their souls
But, I cannot do anything,
for it is their destiny to row
for I have also seen, the best of humankind here
and felt endless love for them
in the end, I think, all people are the same
With differences in their natures,
true to diversity in creatures
but without this I would not have become
what I am today, better than my past
and this is the destiny, of more and many more like me
who, in future, will come here, and learn
about how the world goes round
and this is the destiny of this city
for whom, I feel infinite hatred
and every ounce of this hatred
makes me respect this city more and more
for it gave me a smile, and the way to keep it
it gave me wisdom, and taught me how to use it
it gave me a career, and taught me how to pursue it
it gave me a legacy, and taught me how to live it.
But, it is not that it only gives
as nature easily shows, anything cannot be accumulated anywhere
it scatters and falls and radiates and transmits
While I got a new life here
it meant I had to leave the old one behind
Old friends, old school, old teachers, old laughs
everything forgotten, you radiate what you absorb
but in these tides of times, I carry with myself
a heart which stays with me
which took birth with me
and carries all my memories for me.
It maintains my character, made long ago
by sheds and threads of childhood
which still tells me what is bad and what is good.
To continue, I left an old life behind
which sometimes I miss
but then again, I am reminded
that life flows on,
and on day, everything is back together
together, evolved, better and wiser.
So again, the ancient question arises
“Do you like Kota?”
I can solve a physics problem
or can write theories with eyes closed
but this loaded question, I cannot answer
Because I do not know the answer.
I hate this hell and cant wait to get out of here
But it gives me so much each day, so I can easily bear
the hardships upon me
thrown like bricks and bats and pots and pans.
Sometimes I feel, it has even taken out the fire out of me
but to fuel ourselves is what we need
to fuel ourselves is what we need.
-Vishal Gupta
began in my life, yet another story
it began with three letters
which eventually became a mission
Soon, it became a vision, and I,
a visionary,
walking along a dreaded path
unknown, unraveled, unsearched
I was the first to walk on it
a path, which changed a life
or many lives, I should say
a path in life, I shall never forget.
It began, it began some time ago
it began and I began to grow
for my first hurdle soon faced me
when I was left alone,
alone in the crowd of unknown friends
How quick I learned to live it, I wonder!
and remember, of the distant place I call home
And it doesn’t seem distant to me, I carry it with me
in my heart, and I am not alone
still sometimes, memories cry
I then ask myself why?
Why am I, away from people I love?
“Because it will get you, what you deserve”
comes a beautiful reply
It reminds me of a destiny, that is mine
Waiting for me, to take it away
I will, I promise, one day
Here also I saw,
what I call, ‘the real world’
each man uncaring rough and selfish
with no dreams and scanty wishes
I see the fear in their hearts
I see the light in their souls
But, I cannot do anything,
for it is their destiny to row
for I have also seen, the best of humankind here
and felt endless love for them
in the end, I think, all people are the same
With differences in their natures,
true to diversity in creatures
but without this I would not have become
what I am today, better than my past
and this is the destiny, of more and many more like me
who, in future, will come here, and learn
about how the world goes round
and this is the destiny of this city
for whom, I feel infinite hatred
and every ounce of this hatred
makes me respect this city more and more
for it gave me a smile, and the way to keep it
it gave me wisdom, and taught me how to use it
it gave me a career, and taught me how to pursue it
it gave me a legacy, and taught me how to live it.
But, it is not that it only gives
as nature easily shows, anything cannot be accumulated anywhere
it scatters and falls and radiates and transmits
While I got a new life here
it meant I had to leave the old one behind
Old friends, old school, old teachers, old laughs
everything forgotten, you radiate what you absorb
but in these tides of times, I carry with myself
a heart which stays with me
which took birth with me
and carries all my memories for me.
It maintains my character, made long ago
by sheds and threads of childhood
which still tells me what is bad and what is good.
To continue, I left an old life behind
which sometimes I miss
but then again, I am reminded
that life flows on,
and on day, everything is back together
together, evolved, better and wiser.
So again, the ancient question arises
“Do you like Kota?”
I can solve a physics problem
or can write theories with eyes closed
but this loaded question, I cannot answer
Because I do not know the answer.
I hate this hell and cant wait to get out of here
But it gives me so much each day, so I can easily bear
the hardships upon me
thrown like bricks and bats and pots and pans.
Sometimes I feel, it has even taken out the fire out of me
but to fuel ourselves is what we need
to fuel ourselves is what we need.
-Vishal Gupta
Ode to the sky
Oh! Great eternal sky
I beseech ye now
for providing me fer so long
Fer thee is the one
who sheltered this unholy soul
And did not ask its sur
its caste its creed its fur
like a father, thee cared fer me
you cried when me got hurt
you showered blessings, when me needed some
thee gave me light, so me could see
thee gave me darkness, so me could sleep.
And whenever despair touched me
me turned to thee, for answers me could not see
you in turn answered, all my questions
thee became a part of me
Thee said to me that me is free
thee showed to me that dawn follows dusk
thee said to me that even clouds burst
thee stayed with me, from autumn to spring
sharing with me ancient gospels of wisdom
since the beginning.
Whenever I feel lonely,
turn to you to talk
you gladly accept my request
and teach me
that I am never lonely
as long as you are there
Through you I see, friends long forgotten
Thee connect them to me
You even show me,
that I will be near you one day
helping thee in thy way
but before that, I must share my message
That without you, this world is incomplete
Incomplete of ability, to be eternal
Incomplete of uniqueness, to be great
Incomplete of being a father, showering unconditional love
Incomplete of words, which carry ancient wisdom.
Thy sacred red face I salute
within you stay the mighty gods
it doesn’t matter to you if I call him Zeus
or Father or Thor or Brahma or Almighty
you have ‘em all within thyself
you were with earth
since gaya came to birth
you shared your experiences
with every creature on geta
Being with you teaches me so much
that sometimes, I fail to count
of the blessings by you upon me
but everyday, I see you and say
Thank you.
-Vishal Gupta
I beseech ye now
for providing me fer so long
Fer thee is the one
who sheltered this unholy soul
And did not ask its sur
its caste its creed its fur
like a father, thee cared fer me
you cried when me got hurt
you showered blessings, when me needed some
thee gave me light, so me could see
thee gave me darkness, so me could sleep.
And whenever despair touched me
me turned to thee, for answers me could not see
you in turn answered, all my questions
thee became a part of me
Thee said to me that me is free
thee showed to me that dawn follows dusk
thee said to me that even clouds burst
thee stayed with me, from autumn to spring
sharing with me ancient gospels of wisdom
since the beginning.
Whenever I feel lonely,
turn to you to talk
you gladly accept my request
and teach me
that I am never lonely
as long as you are there
Through you I see, friends long forgotten
Thee connect them to me
You even show me,
that I will be near you one day
helping thee in thy way
but before that, I must share my message
That without you, this world is incomplete
Incomplete of ability, to be eternal
Incomplete of uniqueness, to be great
Incomplete of being a father, showering unconditional love
Incomplete of words, which carry ancient wisdom.
Thy sacred red face I salute
within you stay the mighty gods
it doesn’t matter to you if I call him Zeus
or Father or Thor or Brahma or Almighty
you have ‘em all within thyself
you were with earth
since gaya came to birth
you shared your experiences
with every creature on geta
Being with you teaches me so much
that sometimes, I fail to count
of the blessings by you upon me
but everyday, I see you and say
Thank you.
-Vishal Gupta
23 April, 2009
‘Neath this never ending sky
is the splendor place I call home.
It brings back memories
of a childhood long gone by
but still remains in my heart
as those were the days, which made
miracles on the soul of a child
and integrated a character so the future
would accept him, as a man.
The cloud I see reminds me
of the toy I used to love so much
Wonder when I lost it
Perhaps it was the time
when infant hands grow stronger
to lift the burdens of the modern world
and the eyes, as sharp as the eagle’s
fail to notice the prized possession
being crushed under the weight the arms lifted
but now the cloud doesn’t look like the toy at all
it looks like the lil’ puppy I used to own
who would jump on its master when it wanted to play
whom a young heart cherished and loved
and revealed all magical youthful secrets
But the days are gone
and memories are all that remain
Sometimes the color of the dawning sky
reminds me of the walls of my home
under whose strong protection
my crawl turned into a walk
and finally a run,
to race against the world
to race against time
to achieve goals to master work
to tire out, and finally fall asleep.
Those walls were the constant companions
in all gloom and joy
Then there was a special wall
which periodically marked my height
till it said I was ready
to leave it all behind.
But it was not the walls
not the rooms not the color nor the halls
not the floor nor the ceiling
not the air conditioner not the heating
of which the sky reminded me the most.
It was the people I was with there
who turned the house into a home
I miss them the most, when I think of home
I miss them all, whenever I feel alone
and then get back up and pursue my goals
as I know that I work for us
not me not them but us
so we could again be together
and live the life I dreamed of
and that shall be the day
when we shall stand again as one
Together, in all weather, we shall run
That day, will be the start
of the complete life at heart
of happiness of joy
of togetherness of ecstasy
of life and life only.
is the splendor place I call home.
It brings back memories
of a childhood long gone by
but still remains in my heart
as those were the days, which made
miracles on the soul of a child
and integrated a character so the future
would accept him, as a man.
The cloud I see reminds me
of the toy I used to love so much
Wonder when I lost it
Perhaps it was the time
when infant hands grow stronger
to lift the burdens of the modern world
and the eyes, as sharp as the eagle’s
fail to notice the prized possession
being crushed under the weight the arms lifted
but now the cloud doesn’t look like the toy at all
it looks like the lil’ puppy I used to own
who would jump on its master when it wanted to play
whom a young heart cherished and loved
and revealed all magical youthful secrets
But the days are gone
and memories are all that remain
Sometimes the color of the dawning sky
reminds me of the walls of my home
under whose strong protection
my crawl turned into a walk
and finally a run,
to race against the world
to race against time
to achieve goals to master work
to tire out, and finally fall asleep.
Those walls were the constant companions
in all gloom and joy
Then there was a special wall
which periodically marked my height
till it said I was ready
to leave it all behind.
But it was not the walls
not the rooms not the color nor the halls
not the floor nor the ceiling
not the air conditioner not the heating
of which the sky reminded me the most.
It was the people I was with there
who turned the house into a home
I miss them the most, when I think of home
I miss them all, whenever I feel alone
and then get back up and pursue my goals
as I know that I work for us
not me not them but us
so we could again be together
and live the life I dreamed of
and that shall be the day
when we shall stand again as one
Together, in all weather, we shall run
That day, will be the start
of the complete life at heart
of happiness of joy
of togetherness of ecstasy
of life and life only.
- Vishal Gupta
29th July 2008
29th July 2008
Good morning
at the early morning sun
makes me believe
that there is still hope
that dawn does undo dusk
that each new day
starts with a golden ray.
Each new morning
provides golden opportunities
to leave the past behind
and embrace the present.
And just then,
a fresh breeze refreshes me
Telling me, that life is a breeze
sometimes, the path is not easy
but we always,
have to keep moving
never stop, until the end
and then have peace
when life amens.
I hear the rustling of trees
and chirping of birds
and find myself
at the lack of words
to explain to you, the beauty of their song
I do not understand them,
but feel them saying,
“Get up my world, a new day is waiting.”
Then I also see
the sky changing colors
The eternal sky, guiding mankind for ages.
It keeps the ancient secrets for all
that the secret to eternity
is to always, go on.
And so begins
yet another day
unfolding mysteries
kept once at bay
A new chance awaits me
a new life does too
and again, it will end
and again, all will be new
and again, it will end
and again, all will be new
- Vishal Gupta
4th July 2008
at the early morning sun
makes me believe
that there is still hope
that dawn does undo dusk
that each new day
starts with a golden ray.
Each new morning
provides golden opportunities
to leave the past behind
and embrace the present.
And just then,
a fresh breeze refreshes me
Telling me, that life is a breeze
sometimes, the path is not easy
but we always,
have to keep moving
never stop, until the end
and then have peace
when life amens.
I hear the rustling of trees
and chirping of birds
and find myself
at the lack of words
to explain to you, the beauty of their song
I do not understand them,
but feel them saying,
“Get up my world, a new day is waiting.”
Then I also see
the sky changing colors
The eternal sky, guiding mankind for ages.
It keeps the ancient secrets for all
that the secret to eternity
is to always, go on.
And so begins
yet another day
unfolding mysteries
kept once at bay
A new chance awaits me
a new life does too
and again, it will end
and again, all will be new
and again, it will end
and again, all will be new
- Vishal Gupta
4th July 2008
It may be cheesy, but try staying away from your city for the first time and you'll realize. Anyways, enjoy.
Wo rasgullon ki shaan
Wo choone wale paan
Wo sandesh meethe-meethe
Wo puchke thode teekhe
Wo McD’s ka burger
Wo Hangout ke sizzler
Wo holi ki thandai
Wo bangali rasmalai
Wo KFC Wo CCD wo barbeque
Wo Emami mein landmark
Wo Salt Lake ke park
Wo Lake Town ki galiyan
Park Street mein fuljhariyan
Wo science city ke trips
Wo diamond harbour se ships
Wo Shealdah ke phool
Wo country club ke pool
Wo space circle wo mani square wo by pass
Wo baat-baat pe strike
Wo petrol prices hike
Wo Mamta Banerjee ke bhaashan
Buddhadev Bhattacharyake aashwasan
Wo UPA ke jhande
Wo CPI-M ke gunde
Wo jeep chalata Ajit Panja
Wo haath faelata Gopi Ranja
Wo loudspeaker wo rally wo sansad bhavan khaali
Wo aquatica ki yaadein
Wo palm village mein raatein
Wo sheesha ka floor
Wo nicco park ka shor
Wo chatting karti raatein
Wo SMS pe baatein
Wo 206 number bus
Wo bada bazaar mein rush
Wo tution jaatein bacche
Wo kacche-kacche rastein
Wo mausam ki maar
Wo bearish ka intzaar
Wo gautams ki coffee
Wo orange wali toffee
Wo howrah wo rajarhat wo alipur
Wo beliaghata thoda door
Wo yaadein, wo mausam wo kaliyan
Wahi purana mera kalkatta
Wo eden gardens mein match
Wo ganguly ke catch
Wo pizza hut wo dominos
Wo moori roz-roz
Wo durga pooja ke pandal
Wo lihghtning aur dhamaal
Wo metro plaza, shopper stop, pantaloons, vardaan
Wo AC market ki dukaan
Wo scary house ke bhooton ka dar
Wo mama mia ka vanilla winter
Wo subway ke snack
Wo meals on wheels ke tracks
Wo riddhi-siddhi ke sandwich
Wo mayram ki pav-bhaji
Wo Jadavpur ke dange
Wo bhaggu ke pange
Wo Victoria mein jog
Wo sardiyon ki fog
Wo T2 aur telegraph
Wo aasman neela saaf
Wo time pe aati metro
Wo tram lines ka show
Wo karunamayi ke mele
Chaat-pakauro ke thele
Wo clown town mein skiing aur go-karting
Wo superbowl mein bowling
Wo swabhoomi mein rajasthani khaana
Aur fun fiesta mein paese lagaana
Wo filme dekhne paradise jaana
Wo 89 mein popcorn khaana
Wo city centre mein ghoomna
Wo timbaktu mein jhoomna]
Wo birla planetarium ka andhera
Wo botanical garden ka savera
Wo lions wo avantika wo milap
Wo sadkon pe thanda daab
Wo alipur ka chidiyaghar
Wo salt lake mein khone ka dar
Wo Dhakshineshwar mein dhakke
Wo station pe chhakke
Wo mausam wo aalam wo bhaasha
Wahi purana mera kalkatta
-Vishal Gupta
Wo rasgullon ki shaan
Wo choone wale paan
Wo sandesh meethe-meethe
Wo puchke thode teekhe
Wo McD’s ka burger
Wo Hangout ke sizzler
Wo holi ki thandai
Wo bangali rasmalai
Wo KFC Wo CCD wo barbeque
Wo Emami mein landmark
Wo Salt Lake ke park
Wo Lake Town ki galiyan
Park Street mein fuljhariyan
Wo science city ke trips
Wo diamond harbour se ships
Wo Shealdah ke phool
Wo country club ke pool
Wo space circle wo mani square wo by pass
Wo baat-baat pe strike
Wo petrol prices hike
Wo Mamta Banerjee ke bhaashan
Buddhadev Bhattacharyake aashwasan
Wo UPA ke jhande
Wo CPI-M ke gunde
Wo jeep chalata Ajit Panja
Wo haath faelata Gopi Ranja
Wo loudspeaker wo rally wo sansad bhavan khaali
Wo aquatica ki yaadein
Wo palm village mein raatein
Wo sheesha ka floor
Wo nicco park ka shor
Wo chatting karti raatein
Wo SMS pe baatein
Wo 206 number bus
Wo bada bazaar mein rush
Wo tution jaatein bacche
Wo kacche-kacche rastein
Wo mausam ki maar
Wo bearish ka intzaar
Wo gautams ki coffee
Wo orange wali toffee
Wo howrah wo rajarhat wo alipur
Wo beliaghata thoda door
Wo yaadein, wo mausam wo kaliyan
Wahi purana mera kalkatta
Wo eden gardens mein match
Wo ganguly ke catch
Wo pizza hut wo dominos
Wo moori roz-roz
Wo durga pooja ke pandal
Wo lihghtning aur dhamaal
Wo metro plaza, shopper stop, pantaloons, vardaan
Wo AC market ki dukaan
Wo scary house ke bhooton ka dar
Wo mama mia ka vanilla winter
Wo subway ke snack
Wo meals on wheels ke tracks
Wo riddhi-siddhi ke sandwich
Wo mayram ki pav-bhaji
Wo Jadavpur ke dange
Wo bhaggu ke pange
Wo Victoria mein jog
Wo sardiyon ki fog
Wo T2 aur telegraph
Wo aasman neela saaf
Wo time pe aati metro
Wo tram lines ka show
Wo karunamayi ke mele
Chaat-pakauro ke thele
Wo clown town mein skiing aur go-karting
Wo superbowl mein bowling
Wo swabhoomi mein rajasthani khaana
Aur fun fiesta mein paese lagaana
Wo filme dekhne paradise jaana
Wo 89 mein popcorn khaana
Wo city centre mein ghoomna
Wo timbaktu mein jhoomna]
Wo birla planetarium ka andhera
Wo botanical garden ka savera
Wo lions wo avantika wo milap
Wo sadkon pe thanda daab
Wo alipur ka chidiyaghar
Wo salt lake mein khone ka dar
Wo Dhakshineshwar mein dhakke
Wo station pe chhakke
Wo mausam wo aalam wo bhaasha
Wahi purana mera kalkatta
-Vishal Gupta
Here's one to some special people
Let me not today, steal away thy heart
‘cause I come not today to make my mark
I say not a lover’s ballad nor enlighten thee with a monarch’s tale
I just say a few words, ‘bout god’s grace called ‘friend’
A friend I had once back in time
whose memories with me words cannot justify
Still I try, ‘cause that’s all I can do
to respect, to cherish, to love the one I knew.
I found him when enchantments of life began to unfold
and he willed to accompany me in my search of gold
he protected my words like treasure itself
when I was down, he used to help
he forgave me easily, on all my sins
and believed me blindly, trust never dim
He guided me in every way he knew right
and protected me from evils with all his might
He scolded and punished me to make me grow
when I faced fireballs, he came like snow
When I fought the world, he stood by my side
He never let me knew, the reason for which he cried
He was an ideal human, no evil deeds to his name
He lived for others, but asked for himself, he never power or fame
Then one day, when we had to continue without the other
He told me, I helped him more
I still fail to find words
for the pain the last moment bore.
For it is beyond my vision
how I may have helped him more
yes, we grew up together
but I know of the sacrifices he bore
Not just for me, but he was ready to give up his life
For all loved ones, parents, peers and more
And went on living with this purpose
And swam across the shore
He did not approve of everything I did
and condemned me when I went against his ideas
but loved me still and dearly too
even after knowing me as I was.
And it takes courage to love someone you know well
‘cause you are aware of their inner devil
still his love for his friend was deep
and cherished memories of him today I reap.
Today we are far and talk less
but I know he thinks of me still
life put many pitfalls between us
but perhaps this is god’s will
We know we will reunite, and the friendship shall reincarnate
We just watch for the right time
and meanwhile, we wait.
As old friends go, new ones must take their place
and here I thank for god’s grace.
As I wait for my old friend to return
God blessed me with a new relationship to yearn
We were once strangers to each other
but as time passed on, the bond fostered
He is a man who lives his life
he evolved with me again for strife.
Like me he is, in a new land amongst unknowns
like me he has a past, to which he drones
like me he struggles, to achieve a dream he has seen
and in the path we unwind, magical mysteries.
He taught me faith and belief and hope
and counted the blessings I had ignored
he evolved himself, and took me along the path
and saved me from being lonely, my poor heart
He has his positives and negatives I see
but still with him, I feel of the two of us as ‘we.’
He is open to new thoughts and beliefs
and wills to say what he feels
He knows he evolved since he dared to walk the path we chose
and still walk, everyday getting close
We do have difficulties, but they dont matter
cause foundations of respect do not shatter.
We know we too, will one day have to say goodbye
but the feelings created would never die
We are friends forever, in dark and light
and shall pray to meet again with all our might.
Oh! wait dear friends, the story doesnt end here
cause there is another friend, whose tale thee have to bear
and odd indeed cause her I have not seen
still she is so dear a friend as any yet have been.
The very first time I came to know of her
was as a ‘somebody’ in herds
I thought of talking to her
and sent her my first words.
As time moved on, the talks between us grew
The means of contact we used were also new
Never did we ever, see each other’s face
even when there have been, four years of passing days
We just stand on trust, and nothing less of it
our belief in one another, is all that we need.
And there have been more, unnamed friends
whom I still say, are gifts which the heavens sent
To laugh to share to live more than life
To whom I shall remain, indebted all the time
There was a friend, who showed me the ‘real world’
and one, with whom sorrows nulled
There was a friend, with whom walking I remember
and a one, who still sends cards each december
I miss a friend, whom I used to tease a lot
and a one, for whom I always fought.
I remember a friend, with whom I used to work
and a one, with whom relations were berserk
I miss a friend, with whom I used to play
I miss all, all my friends each passing day.
God graces thee, with many gifts today
cherish them now, as they may not stay.
A friend in need is still a friend indeed
but more than that, it is god’s greatest deed.
But more than that, it is god’s greatest deed.
-Vishal Gupta
Let me not today, steal away thy heart
‘cause I come not today to make my mark
I say not a lover’s ballad nor enlighten thee with a monarch’s tale
I just say a few words, ‘bout god’s grace called ‘friend’
A friend I had once back in time
whose memories with me words cannot justify
Still I try, ‘cause that’s all I can do
to respect, to cherish, to love the one I knew.
I found him when enchantments of life began to unfold
and he willed to accompany me in my search of gold
he protected my words like treasure itself
when I was down, he used to help
he forgave me easily, on all my sins
and believed me blindly, trust never dim
He guided me in every way he knew right
and protected me from evils with all his might
He scolded and punished me to make me grow
when I faced fireballs, he came like snow
When I fought the world, he stood by my side
He never let me knew, the reason for which he cried
He was an ideal human, no evil deeds to his name
He lived for others, but asked for himself, he never power or fame
Then one day, when we had to continue without the other
He told me, I helped him more
I still fail to find words
for the pain the last moment bore.
For it is beyond my vision
how I may have helped him more
yes, we grew up together
but I know of the sacrifices he bore
Not just for me, but he was ready to give up his life
For all loved ones, parents, peers and more
And went on living with this purpose
And swam across the shore
He did not approve of everything I did
and condemned me when I went against his ideas
but loved me still and dearly too
even after knowing me as I was.
And it takes courage to love someone you know well
‘cause you are aware of their inner devil
still his love for his friend was deep
and cherished memories of him today I reap.
Today we are far and talk less
but I know he thinks of me still
life put many pitfalls between us
but perhaps this is god’s will
We know we will reunite, and the friendship shall reincarnate
We just watch for the right time
and meanwhile, we wait.
As old friends go, new ones must take their place
and here I thank for god’s grace.
As I wait for my old friend to return
God blessed me with a new relationship to yearn
We were once strangers to each other
but as time passed on, the bond fostered
He is a man who lives his life
he evolved with me again for strife.
Like me he is, in a new land amongst unknowns
like me he has a past, to which he drones
like me he struggles, to achieve a dream he has seen
and in the path we unwind, magical mysteries.
He taught me faith and belief and hope
and counted the blessings I had ignored
he evolved himself, and took me along the path
and saved me from being lonely, my poor heart
He has his positives and negatives I see
but still with him, I feel of the two of us as ‘we.’
He is open to new thoughts and beliefs
and wills to say what he feels
He knows he evolved since he dared to walk the path we chose
and still walk, everyday getting close
We do have difficulties, but they dont matter
cause foundations of respect do not shatter.
We know we too, will one day have to say goodbye
but the feelings created would never die
We are friends forever, in dark and light
and shall pray to meet again with all our might.
Oh! wait dear friends, the story doesnt end here
cause there is another friend, whose tale thee have to bear
and odd indeed cause her I have not seen
still she is so dear a friend as any yet have been.
The very first time I came to know of her
was as a ‘somebody’ in herds
I thought of talking to her
and sent her my first words.
As time moved on, the talks between us grew
The means of contact we used were also new
Never did we ever, see each other’s face
even when there have been, four years of passing days
We just stand on trust, and nothing less of it
our belief in one another, is all that we need.
And there have been more, unnamed friends
whom I still say, are gifts which the heavens sent
To laugh to share to live more than life
To whom I shall remain, indebted all the time
There was a friend, who showed me the ‘real world’
and one, with whom sorrows nulled
There was a friend, with whom walking I remember
and a one, who still sends cards each december
I miss a friend, whom I used to tease a lot
and a one, for whom I always fought.
I remember a friend, with whom I used to work
and a one, with whom relations were berserk
I miss a friend, with whom I used to play
I miss all, all my friends each passing day.
God graces thee, with many gifts today
cherish them now, as they may not stay.
A friend in need is still a friend indeed
but more than that, it is god’s greatest deed.
But more than that, it is god’s greatest deed.
-Vishal Gupta
21 April, 2009
City of dreams
A great long time has passed by
since I was born again, in the city of dreams
The city, to which souls come and go
The city, where destinies redeem
I do not understand, my feelings for this place
I fail to acknowledge, my respect for the place I hate
I hate this place, each passing day,
for the life it puts me through
And with each passing day
My love for this place grew.
It promised me a dream,
of a life which I desire
hinting myself with the fact
that the road is a pyre
Filled with enthusiasm, and the spirit I possess
I dived into the ocean of fire, never time for distress
With each passing moment, the fire burnt a part of me
Only to bring out, my inner self so I could see
The wonders I possess, and my soul
which is truly, the universe as a whole.
The fire burns me still, and provides an option
To get back, to the world I came from
or jump off the flight to heaven
because that is the general norm.
I have seen, countless souls,
giving up the path, after getting really close
They couldn’t stand it any longer
With all they had, they had to loose.
This city also proves a beautiful law of geta
that what you sow is what you reap
because the destinies which work towards their dreams
see this law, hard and deep.
Working towards the essence of the city,
the souls which respect it still
are awarded in gold by this city
and are given a powerful will
against those who defy the laws
and blame their present on the city itself
the soul of the city does not entertain baseless accusations
and destroys their dreams destinies and self
and for those who remain static
in the dynamic city of treasures
the city stagnates them
as stagnation is the friend of static pleasure.
But I accept that the city is not easy
it is as harsh as harsh can be
with countless hurdles in paths of men
with soul stagnating pleasures glee
but it is a test which takes on all
to see who is ready to face the ball
it erects one strong wall
‘survival of the fittest’ is the call.
And it shows that there’s always time
to write one’s destiny again
It prepares everyone who respects it
To stand in life’s thunder and rain
It teaches slowly
and delights with pain
It asks for a price
which has to be gain
Personally if you ask me
‘is this city good for me’
I would say, “no, you cannot handle it
it is better for you to be free.”
If you believe me, it is the worst mistake of thy life
and if you say, “no. you are wrong
I can stand up to any challenge
and bring down any mountain at will”
and defying me, with thy spirit
go out into the city of dreams
you will be ready for it
For the city takes tests
and test the will of a man
The will which is lost
at the last stand
and then you say, “I endured a lot
but cant get any longer.”
You will say that it was MY fault
I sent you here
No, the blame’s on you
as a man himself creates his path
The choice is always in your hands
It depends where thy heart lands.
And if thee may allow
to bring up another fact of this city
it, amongst millions of others, displays yet another law
that all men are born equal
and equally they die
Their life is cherished by the ways
they perceive their environment
and on their deathbed, ask the question
‘Did I live well?’
This city gives the power to answer such questions
and displays the harmony of nature
That it doesn’t matter where you come from
that all souls are connected as one
And now may I take thy leave
‘cause for me, there’s something left to be done.
-Vishal Gupta
6th September 2008
since I was born again, in the city of dreams
The city, to which souls come and go
The city, where destinies redeem
I do not understand, my feelings for this place
I fail to acknowledge, my respect for the place I hate
I hate this place, each passing day,
for the life it puts me through
And with each passing day
My love for this place grew.
It promised me a dream,
of a life which I desire
hinting myself with the fact
that the road is a pyre
Filled with enthusiasm, and the spirit I possess
I dived into the ocean of fire, never time for distress
With each passing moment, the fire burnt a part of me
Only to bring out, my inner self so I could see
The wonders I possess, and my soul
which is truly, the universe as a whole.
The fire burns me still, and provides an option
To get back, to the world I came from
or jump off the flight to heaven
because that is the general norm.
I have seen, countless souls,
giving up the path, after getting really close
They couldn’t stand it any longer
With all they had, they had to loose.
This city also proves a beautiful law of geta
that what you sow is what you reap
because the destinies which work towards their dreams
see this law, hard and deep.
Working towards the essence of the city,
the souls which respect it still
are awarded in gold by this city
and are given a powerful will
against those who defy the laws
and blame their present on the city itself
the soul of the city does not entertain baseless accusations
and destroys their dreams destinies and self
and for those who remain static
in the dynamic city of treasures
the city stagnates them
as stagnation is the friend of static pleasure.
But I accept that the city is not easy
it is as harsh as harsh can be
with countless hurdles in paths of men
with soul stagnating pleasures glee
but it is a test which takes on all
to see who is ready to face the ball
it erects one strong wall
‘survival of the fittest’ is the call.
And it shows that there’s always time
to write one’s destiny again
It prepares everyone who respects it
To stand in life’s thunder and rain
It teaches slowly
and delights with pain
It asks for a price
which has to be gain
Personally if you ask me
‘is this city good for me’
I would say, “no, you cannot handle it
it is better for you to be free.”
If you believe me, it is the worst mistake of thy life
and if you say, “no. you are wrong
I can stand up to any challenge
and bring down any mountain at will”
and defying me, with thy spirit
go out into the city of dreams
you will be ready for it
For the city takes tests
and test the will of a man
The will which is lost
at the last stand
and then you say, “I endured a lot
but cant get any longer.”
You will say that it was MY fault
I sent you here
No, the blame’s on you
as a man himself creates his path
The choice is always in your hands
It depends where thy heart lands.
And if thee may allow
to bring up another fact of this city
it, amongst millions of others, displays yet another law
that all men are born equal
and equally they die
Their life is cherished by the ways
they perceive their environment
and on their deathbed, ask the question
‘Did I live well?’
This city gives the power to answer such questions
and displays the harmony of nature
That it doesn’t matter where you come from
that all souls are connected as one
And now may I take thy leave
‘cause for me, there’s something left to be done.
-Vishal Gupta
6th September 2008
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