28 April, 2009

The sky

I have been here since eternity
and shall continue to be here till infinity
I am the first to be born and the last to die
for behold man, I am the eternal sky.

I saw civilizations come and go
and witnessed all that has occurred
Still, I carry the same wisdom,
from those who’ve left, for those to come.

I carry the heavens you look up to
in times of despair and discontent
it doesn’t matter, if you worship me or not
I shall still impart, what has to be taught.

For seekers, I carry all answers
for pessimists, I am dark everyday
for believers, I carry the golden rays of hope
for admirers, I carry the beauty of the globe.

I teach to be calm whenever you can
but fierce thunder in war
I advice to make new beginnings each day
and take time once in a while, to go out and play.

I get angry sometimes and growl
I get happy somedays and beam
In hard days, even I shed tears
As all feelings, each creature bears.

I teach everything there is to learn
I am for everyone, big or small
Some say I do, what only partial can
as I gave great wings to birds, but only minds to man.

I protect you from the unknown
I shower my blessings, in your times of need
I ask for nothing and give you all
I pull you up every time you fall.

You look up to me in hope
You like to come close
You want to conquer and win me over
But we are fail in eternity, you fail to decipher.

To win me, you need to win yourself
To know me, you just have to know yourself
For us to be one, this you have to accomplish
then, you can touch me and see what sky really is.

-Vishal Gupta
25th January 2009