09 December, 2010

Let Us Today

Inspired from the great man, Sri Rabindranath Tagore...

Let Us Today

Let us today, break the shackles of routine
and be guided by the light of the unknown
do something our heart craves for
without caring about the thoughts of the world
let us today, live a day for ourselves.

Let us, wake up today, and hug those whom we love
tell them what they mean to us
and how their presence make our lives so liveable
how their smile becomes a reason for us to stay blissful
not because of what they are, but because what we are when with them.
How their existence becomes a reason for us to grow
into something better than we perceive ourselves to be
how their faith and trust in our capabilities
makes us transcend our own boundaries
and how the fear of their loss, makes us weep sometimes in despair.
We never told them how we feel for them,
perhaps we did not get the time
perhaps we considered it lunatic
but let us, today tell them their meaning in our lives.
Who knows? They might need those words themselves now.

Let us today, shout out in joy
and feel blissful for the pleasures life has endowed
Not thinking of being judged by the crowd
but simply ecstatic for what we’ve received
Let us today, say thanks to God
And praise him for his beautiful creation
which, maybe ignored till now
or perhaps we never got the time to stop by and look
but let us today, look at His miracle
and look at ourselves
and praise Him for the blessings and beauty he has provided.

Let us today, not feel the fear of deserting the herd
and walk our own paths, even if alone
for the life we have, is too precious to be lived
according to someone else’s dreams
who themselves lived the life of a different else
Let us walk our own paths, and feel confident,
that we’d not be walking alone the path of righteousness
That somewhere down the lane, we’d find someone
willing to walk by our sides
But till then, let us walk our own paths
Walk for what we believe in
let us today, not be affected by the narrow judgement of the wide crowd
and walk our own paths, for what we believe in.

Let us today, learn to have faith
in the words of people we respect
that everything heard and said, need not have an explanation
that there are some things, which words cannot justify
that sometimes, it’s only the words of another we should rely upon
Let us not fall into a trap of irrational belief
of superstitions and irrational visions
But let us today, have faith when one says
that everything’s gonna be alright
that the world will be a better place to live in
that you can be the change you wish to see
that the intellectual of one person may someday surpass the might of a million
that the voice which seldom speaks from your heart is the inner calling you must follow
that when you judge yourself too harshly, you rip a part from your own self
that few people actually care about the way you are, and would like to help.
Sometimes, you cannot find proof in everything you hear
but you’ve got to have faith, in people you hold dear.

Let us today, tear off the cobwebs around us
and wake up to a new reality
breaking the chains of routine
walking into a new future
Building a new world.
It seems difficult at first,
to break the boundaries of habit you’ve so skilfully kneaded around yourself
wrapped in the warmth of tradition
I seems difficult to go beyond
but a call for change has been made
and it’s your duty to hear the call
for one life is all what you get
either to be the change, and do what you wish for
or become the cobweb of your own boundations.

-         Vishal Gupta
November 21st, 2010