As the interviews drew near, a
time of nightmares, pukes and unstable bladder conditions ensued. Though in all
fairness, the pukes might have been the result of something other than
interview terrors.
I remember one particular
dream, perhaps inspired from a recent rave song all over the internet. There
were 3 panelists and I think 2 of them were competing for something of the sort
of “Panelist of the campus” award. They’d asked me to sing a song. This is what
followed in the subtitles of the dream:
current batch... Will ask for a more peaceful year...
वाला, Hope वाला, Sutte वाला साल
trilogy, से
भी लम्बा साल
वाला साल
GRE placement के
बोझ से दबा हुआ
वाला frust
ये end-sem और mid-sem से भी अब ये bore हुआ
वाला grade
का भी sento छोड़के मैं बंदी के पीछे भागा
ठर्की वाला stalk
मेरी placement अभी नही लगी है
मुझसे future plans नही पूछना
में भी score double digit है… आया मेरा
Sharma वाला score
यहाँ Hall के juniors के सवालो से
होता मैं frust रहता हर रात
कभी illu कभी GC कभी intern के लिए आता... कोई रोको
वाला saal
लगा भी placement तो भी Day 20 को लगा
वाला job
जिनके पास है package उनके wall पे congrats
Ghaasi BT dep का
placement cell se total काटा
वाला phase
BTP… pe bhi humne… extention
फिर summer… में रुक के… Prof
से करवाया
वाला saal
I woke up. Hands sweaty, eyes full of
sand, I tried to shut the stupid alarm off. Turned out, it was a phone-call by
Placement Committee Member (PlaceCom). A call from a PlaceCom generally meant an
interview. Now I was no “special” friend of any PlaceCom that I’d be called for
an interview for a company which did not shortlist me. Nor did I cheat in any
test. So my chances of being shortlisted were as high as finding hygienic food
in the mess. I picked up the phone and this fanatic PlaceCom told me that I had to reach
the interview venue in 15 minutes. 15 minutes later I’d realize that 15
minutes later, the interview panel from the company would arrive, then would
inspect the rooms, then would chat with the PlaceComs, then would have lunch,
then would chat among themselves, and then will perhaps get in the mood to
begin a painfully slow interviewing process. But you see I was a naïve in this
field. I didn’t get a lot of interview calls. I checked the Notice Board to see
if the PlaceCom had made any mistake. As it was, the PlaceComs were not
definitely known for their efficiency and accuracy. I found the relevant notice
which said,
– Shortlist for ABC 0712
hours | 15.12.2012
following students have been shortlisted for ABC Pvt. Ltd. Shortlisted
candidates are to reach the interview venue at the earliest.
15 other candidates
I checked my watch. It was 7:30 AM. I
didn’t know shit about the company and had no time to read about it. To be
honest, I didn’t even remember applying to the company. I rushed with my dress,
wore a jacket and a muffler on it to save myself from the biting morning winds
of the Kharagnagar December and cycled off into the unknown. I told myself that
this might be the day when I’d be able to do my Junglee dance with my tie on my
head which I’d been planning for so long now. Sadly, what I didn’t know was
that I was going for an interview to one of the zillion IT consulting firms
which come to TTI for placements. Sadly for them, they did not realize that the
coders they came looking for had already been placed by now.