17 February, 2012

3rd Fingers - Chapter 4/8

Issued in Public Interest: People are dying because of heat waves, naxals, derailed trains, plane crashes, SRK’s movies and knowing the way Mother Nature is swinging these days, I’m sure there will be more causalities in the very near future and if not causalities then of course people will die… completing their life cycles. This piece of information is not news to you. Everybody knows it. So all I want to say is let’s not get scared of death. If you are not happy with something, someone, then go ahead and express your dislike. That’s what I do on this blog. And that’s what I will do till the end. After you have read this piece of useless advice if you start doing exactly what feel like and in the process if you get hurt or killed then I am not responsible. You would have died one way or the other.

The time had come for my favorite part of the day. Food. Even though the stuff served in hostel messes would not be classified as food in most countries, leaving out Uganda, Nigeria and Samoa; after 4 years of hostel life food does become a high point in the day. But as in all good stories, the moment you start enjoying something, it somehow goes away from you. We had a new rule in the mess by our Hall management. Now every month we had to log online and fill in a form stating our preferences and quantity in which we’d like to hog. This was done in a view to stop wastage of food, a noble thought. Sadly, the highly competent G. Sec had forgotten some key factors:
·         We had many seniors in the Hall who had outgrown the prospect of filling in large forms with 20 questions just to state what they would eat. These elders were above the concepts like administration, rules and forms. Of course, they were busy people who couldn’t waste time in filling stupid forms. As it is they were finding it hard to graduate on time from the college. They couldn’t waste precious fagging hours for filling food forms. Besides, they were seniors. Who could stop them from eating?
·       There would be a colossal line in the mess every day when every one of the 700 boarder’s food preferences would be checked, marked, conveyed to the mess workers, and finally people would be served colored stuff on their plates. I am no great mathematician but I didn’t find the idea of serving 700 students in 1 hour very feasible. Of course people smarter than me had drafted the rule, so it must’ve been correct.
·       People who did not fill the form and were not allowed to have the colored stuff of their plates were still being charged for the food; while they were emptying their pockets to the local canteen whose sales had had taken a jump now. This was double screwing, but the students of engineering colleges are well adapted to the concept of double screwing. It is one of the first concepts which are taught to us in our orientation days. So people did not really make a fuss about it.

Thankfully, I had nothing to make a fuss about as I had filled in the 7 page form, 1 for each day of the week. I guess I didn’t have much else to do. So I ignored the smell of the dingy green thing lying dead on my plate and dug in to what I’d later call “dinner”.

But food wasn’t the worst part of living in the Hall, I apologise for making it look like a big thing. Nor was it the fact that I was living in a 7’ by 11’ box with a broken regulator and the smallest fan I’d ever seen and windowpanes which were so large that the window never actually opened. There was just a small gap in them to allow insects to come in. I would have liked to close the gap but the windowpane was too large to be closed either. I think my college promoted a green environment. That’s why we were encouraged to pay homage to the small ecosystem in our rooms. After a while, you get used to it. The spider webs help catch the insects and protect from the bright light of the CFL (yes I use a CFL, going green you see). The lizards in the room also help in cleaning up insects. Sometimes even the cat comes into the room when I leave the door open, but it’s of no worry. The cat remains clean. It seems that my neighbor Nitin has adopted this cat. One morning we found out that Nitin had spent the night with the cat in his room. No one knows what happened during the night but in the morning the cat looked adequately hung over. That was not the surprise. From experience we knew that anyone spending the night with Nitin could not expect to lead a normal life thereon. The surprising fact of the situation was that after that night Nitin never let go of the cat. They had formed an inseparable bond and I must say they did complement each other really well. A week after that incident, the cat suddenly disappeared and we found a lot of small kittens in the Hall. I do not want to sound judgmental but the kittens did have an uncanny resemblance to Nitin. Maybe…

But coming back to my point. That was not the worst part of living in my college. These were the things which you learn to accept with time. The thing which actually irritated you was the one which eluded your grasp like intelligent decisions eluded the education ministers in our country. But let’s talk about it in the next chapter. Shall we?