05 August, 2022


Bearing the burdens of the world

Tired of making sure the world goes round

Sitting on the chair, with the weight of the universe

Life, tires me out

As I start to look for respite

From myself, and from my life


The life that requires me to believe in myself

Like a spider, I remain the king of my own world

Apex predator, king of the castle, master of the my own manor

omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient, omnificent

And with vigilant agony, only I understand

heavy is the head that bears the crown


I see the path that I need to cross

I know I shall, I ask, “then what?”

Then another opens, and then another

and each challenge I shall overcome

In a little game of my own making

I am the master, and I am the pawn


But bear the burden must I,

for every trigger that is pulled and every wound that is scorched

And it is not only the terrors that burden my soul

I also bear the burden of every gleaming heart and every river that flows

For I must do all that is in the world, both righteous and wrong

And must smile at the wins and cry at the losses


I wish I could, I wish I could live dispassionately

Just ensuring the smoothness of the clouds, without feeling responsible for it

Like Arjuna did, as he won the battle

but placed every shred of credit to his charioteer

But alas! I have no charioteer to guide my life

So I bear the weight of that as well, as I pull my life along


No God shall come to my aid, as I hold the reigns of my life

Dragging it along, I move my life and with it of so many else

I see my burden, my responsibility, my Ego

that I carry without sharing

Without believing in Krishna, the burden stays mine

And this I must bear like Atlas, who cannot shrug


Vishal Gupta

16th June, 2022