13 July, 2022

Dying of the Light

Hi. I'm going to rant for a bit

You know why we fear loneliness

Because no matter how good or bad times turn in our life

We will go through low phases

And when that happens

We need someone by our side

We might ignore them in good days

Or take them for granted

But when that dark trough of life comes

We're simply unable to go through it alone

We need a system of support to guide us through

To listen to us and tell us of things that we're unable to see at the moment

And basically to be there

Because that's the time you don't want to be alone

The person might as well be your oppressor

and why you are in the low phase to begin with

But we don't care

We will endure all ridicule and depression

But we wouldn't want to be alone in the dark phase

That's how people become dependent on their oppressors


And this person, our listener companion guide support

might as well be a stranger

it's easier to rant to a stranger

Because those who know you, know you

And it's difficult to be honest with someone you know

You’ve got to keep up appearances

you know you will face them tomorrow again

And you do not want them to know you’re weak

Specially if you already feel lonely in the world

That means you don't have someone to be honest with to begin with

So you seek out strangers

People who have no premonitions about you

No pre-concieved notions

They are the better listeners

Because they don't care


Vishal Gupta

16th June, 2022