20 May, 2014

When We Two Shall Meet

When we two shall meet
With a hug and understanding,
Part-broken part-mended
Darning severs of years
Wet my cheek and cold
Colder thy embrace;
Living, hours forgone
Memories to this.

The shards of the anger
Withheld ages in my heart
It felt like the melting
Of thy divine heart                
Thy kind rushing back
And eyes are thy fame:
I listen my name spoken
And wrap in embrace.

Memories thy rush before me,
A promise broken mine;
A warmth comes o’er me-
Where did the dreams lie?
The backdrops we dreamt to share
The ones who knew us too well:
Long, long cries shall I rue thee,
When We Two Shall MeetWhen fell thy loyal friend.

In grief we parted-
In celebration we meet,
That my heart learnt,
My spirit breathes.
If I should meet thee
After long years,
How should I greet thee?
Not with silence and tears
If I learnt anything
Not like this

Vishal Gupta
May 1st, 2014