13 March, 2023

Last Hug

“I suppose in the end, the whole of life becomes an act of letting go, but what always hurts the most is not taking a moment to say goodbye.” - Pi, Life of Pi

Last Hug

They say that in your last moments, your entire life flashes in front of your eyes

I believe that relationships might have a similar predicament

After all, a relationship has a life of its own

And like a human life, it is conceived, takes birth, and dies out with time


Relationships take time and care in infancy,

and cared for well enough, grow up strong with legs of their own

They support others finding their way, and evolve everyone around them

they also die from age, sickness, loneliness, and ideas spreading like the plague


And that’s what happened that fateful afternoon

when I knew it would be the last time we were seeing one another

Well, “last” isn’t really the correct term, as who knows what life might bring

But the next time, we would merely glance, nod, and move forward


We wouldn’t sit together and share thoughts both dull and deep

We wouldn’t hold hands and know the world would find its peace

We wouldn’t find solace in the embrace of a lover

We wouldn’t be honest as we once were to each other


So I looked upon her, as we stood there, not knowing if it was okay to walk away

but both knowing that it was the eventual fate of that day

Both not knowing how long it the inevitable would take

both fearing if we could somehow rectify this mistake


Sitting there looking at her remembering, how time had revealed each to the other

Like an onion, sometimes it stunk and sometimes it make them cry

But as we discovered more off each other, we discovered unfound layers beneath layers

And soon life would never be the same without my smelly stinky onion ever again


As she turned to walk away, I for once let go of inhibition

and charged towards her with the madness only loss knows of

I draped her in what I would remember for years later as the final embrace

Surprising her and captivating her at the same time, behind her hands holding me as well


It reminded of the first time I remembered her calling out my name

And the first time I held her hand

T’was the same night of the first kiss

And a memory of so many firsts, all rushing at once


Surprised was she at the charge and hug

for him keepings emotions numb was why she had to walk away in the first place

If only he would have done this before, so many times before

But both knew he couldn’t, he wouldn’t, that’s just not who he was


She remembered the times when she was in need of kind words

and his brought wisdom but no relief

And when times were tough and she needed a hand on her back

his would only stand beside her, in thwarting all attacks


Life would be long, and they would move on, and the last hug would stay with him

Comforting him in times of peril, torturing him on cold lonely nights

And time and again life would make him question, was it truly the last

Till time would eventually painfully give the answer, yes it was.


Vishal Gupta

20th March, 2022