04 January, 2023

We the People

We the People

People like us… the elite

The niche

The aware

Those who think

and speak sophisticated vernaculars



We the People

Whose problems lie higher on Maslow’s hierarchy

Who look down upon those… peasants


We. Whose problems are not financial

We the depressed and depraved

Lonely, awkward, hopeless, and afraid

who shove away those who come to our aid

Who seek comfort on avarice of screens and gluttony

but avarice only bring more avarice


We the people

No. We’re not the people

We’re more than the people

We’re the pepeopleple


We who live in cities that touch the sky

and watch movies in languages not our own

for whom bad movies are just “time pass”


Deck the halls with boughs of holly… for us

‘Tis the season to be JOLLY… for us

Are we too boastful? Are we the mad ones?


Vishal Gupta

16th July, 2022