Years ago, when I was backpacking across western Europe
I came across a majestic bronze mountain,
proudly making its way from the ground
I stood in its shadow and called out. It heard me
It lent me an ear I had missed for so long in city
Then, having pondered over my words for a while, it howled
Almost as loudly as I had howled at it
Almost with the same words
The answer, it turns out, was not very different from the
And I didn’t know if the mountain echoed me
or did I echo the mountain
But I did find answers, within its reflection of my words
And my words became more meaningful, having bounced off the
And I knew that I was understood
And felt a longing, that I had not felt in a while
A longing of words left unspoken,
and maybe hence never echoed back
Secluded, I wished to stay, and continue the dialogue
But alas! my trail only went so far
And city lights called me back
And I wonder am I home in these lights I recognize so well
Or was I home at the foothills of those mountains
Which refused to embrace me
Vishal Gupta
September, 2022