19 January, 2020

Sweet Nothings

Come hither! Wait. Whisper,
sweet nothings in my ear
Tell me about all the things
that did not happen during the day
And let us look into each other’s eyes
and see the dreams we will never have
For long I have wandered in forests of activity
once, I wish to bathe in the rivers of sweet nothing

Drop me a message in the middle of the day
only to say that you were thinking of me
Smile, make me smile, share a hug online
Cure my anxiety of if you’ve forgotten me in the past hours
when I have pined to hear your voice
to see your face to touch your hand
To feel my world is complete again

Kiss me randomly begging the question “why”
with the only answer as “because I wanted to”
Share an unexpected hug
spend the day huddled under a sheet over a movie we won’t remember
Or take me to a faraway land
only to never leave the room and watch the sky change colors
To see how the birds fly and how flowers bloom
And how each day beckons the next in the presence of you

Share the morning tea with me, share the goodnight kiss
Be my first sight of the day, be the last hug I give
Talk to me about your day, and your miles to go before you sleep
the things to read the sights to see
the music to dance the wines to cherish
And stay close to me in those quiet moments
when arms express so much more than words ever can

And understand me on the unkind days
when destiny has not been too kind to me
When regrets come to haunt me again
and when darkness looms, as it inevitably does
Life will not come to us with an instruction manual
it will come, I hope, with you

And I promise that I will choose to love My Monster
on the days that will be difficult
Because my love is not my gift you
it is my gift to my life
So don’t stop dancing when the music stops
and just hold me close
Maybe the music will find us again

Vishal Gupta
9 January 2020